Mike B. 11/2022

Thank you Mr. Fetzko! I wanted to say thank you for making this course enjoyable and relatively “easy” to understand. Your insight and stories of personal experiences make it very engaging for me (and surely for others). Never did I see myself ever going back to “school” after graduating with my bachelors last year, but I can say this has been a great experience thus far. Thanks a ton.


Joey B. 11/2022

Thank you! I haven’t been so excited for something since my son was born!.


Aron L. 05/23/2020

Hello and good night to you Mr. Fetzko, words alone won’t be enough to express the gratitude and admiration that I have for you after the 2 weeks we spent together. I have lived in the USA for 8 years now and I can say without a doubt that you are one of if not the best person I’ve met even if I didn’t formally meet you. Thank you and I truly hope after Covid-19 I will get the opportunity to someday meet you. Thank you again.